I have the pleasure of introducing you to our new LLF Sustainable Agriculture Director! Check her out...
Name: Elizabeth Beaks
Background: Formally trained at the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa Cruz. She has spent the last 10 years learning and collaborating with others interested in cultivating a vibrant, local food system in the San Francisco Bay area. She has coordinated garden-based nutrition education programs in the public school system, piloted farmers markets in low income neighborhoods, worked on farms, and managed farmer's markets! (WOW)
Elizabeth has family in South Carolina and grew up going to Kiawah Island!
Sidenote #1: Elizabeth just DROVE here from the San Francisco Bay area with a friend and Kimdog (her Golden Retriever and trusted companion, who will also be joining us at the office on a daily basis!) Apparently it was quite the treat for Elizabeth to have the opportunity to jump into a WARM ocean once she had arrived...
Sidenote #2: Elizabeth is excited to meet the Lowcountry community of growers, producers, cooks and eaters and grow some innovative local projects together. She is also interested in any tips for sowing her garden patch in this SC climate.
So join me in welcoming our newest member! I know she has great things in store for LLF members and the Lowcountry community! YEA ELIZABETH!